Change Smoke Alarm Battery

Daylight Saving Time in most of the United States starts on the 2nd Sunday in March and ends on the 1st Sunday in November. Use the easy reminder of “Fall Back” one hour, and “Spring Forward” one hour when resetting your clocks. If you haven’t changed your Smoke Alarm batteries last chnage, you are encouraged […]
Home Safety Council – Safe Kids

The Home Safety Council (HSC) is the only national nonprofit organization solely dedicated to preventing home related injuries that result in nearly 20,000 deaths and 21 million medical visits on average each year. Through national programs, partnerships and the support of volunteers, HSC educates people of all ages to be safer in and around their […]
Carbon Monoxide “Silent Killer”

Carbon monoxide gas (CO2) is odorless, colorless and tasteless, and an undiscovered carbon monoxide leak can be a stealthy killer. The initial symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning can easily be mistaken for a headache, a bout of flu or a seasonal cold, but can quickly lead to death in some cases. Without proper detection measures […]
Open Burning- What is Allowed

Village of Wonder Lake Burning Ordinance The combined Village and County ordinances impose the following restrictions on open burning of yard waste: • Burning of landscape waste is prohibited within 100 feet of a habitable structure or within 50 feet of a structure that is not habitable. (garage, shed, barn, swimming pool, etc.); • Only […]
Drone Safety Video

Over a million drone were sold last year. What you need to know about operating a drone safely and within the law. Please take a few minutes and watch the Drone Safety Video. This video would not have been possible without the partnership and collaboration between FFL, McHenry County Sheriff’s Office and the DuPage County […]
COVID-19 virus

We would like to take a minute to inform our community in a slight change in our response protocol due to the COVID-19 virus. As a fire district we are following the advice of The Center of Disease Control (CDC) and The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) isolation guidelines and recommendations for First Responders. […]